When you take out your property insurance are your aware of the conditions that may apply with regard to security? Many of these relate to windows and doors and insurers will ask you a series of questions relating to the type of locks on your windows and doors. You need to ensure the information you give is both accurate and up to date as a breach of these conditions can mean they will not only decline any claim but void your policy. Most insures will operate on the assumption that all external doors have locking mechanisms, but they will also then apply additional security requirements. An example of this commonly used by Insurers is that all external doors be fitted with five-lever mortise locks and that all ground floor windows are also fitted with locks. Don’t just make assumptions. Make sure you know what conditions are placed upon you by your policy or you may just find that if you do have a break in you will not be covered. If you have any queries about your policy or would like further advice Freefone 1800 277377.